Tripping curves Standards

MCB’s are subject to international and national standards.
The design and test requirements are defined in the standard IEC 60898.
For the various applications three trip characteristics B, C and D are defined in IEC 60898
The tripping characteristics B, C and D under IEC 60898 are distinguished by the trip level of the short-circuit trigger
  • Trip characteristic B is the standard characteristic for wall outlet circuits in domestic and utility buildings (I> ≥3 … 5*Ie)
  • Trip characteristic C is advantageous when using electrical equipment with higher inrush currents as for example of lamps and motors (I> ≥5 … 10*Ie)
  • Trip characteristic D is adapted to electrical equipment that can produce strong current surges such as transformers, electromagnetic valves or capacitors (I> ≥10 … 20*Ie)

Tripping curves Standards

MCB’s are subject to international and national standards.
The design and test requirements are defined in the standard IEC 60898.
For the various applications three trip characteristics B, C and D are defined in IEC 60898
The tripping characteristics B, C and D under IEC 60898 are distinguished by the trip level of the short-circuit trigger
  • Trip characteristic B is the standard characteristic for wall outlet circuits in domestic and utility buildings (I> ≥3 … 5*Ie)
  • Trip characteristic C is advantageous when using electrical equipment with higher inrush currents as for example of lamps and motors (I> ≥5 … 10*Ie)
  • Trip characteristic D is adapted to electrical equipment that can produce strong current surges such as transformers, electromagnetic valves or capacitors (I> ≥10 … 20*Ie)
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